this is your friendly neighborhood artist- Amy Lewis
weekly blogging about life is not really popular anymore. But I'd like to try out *monthly* blogging as a format to update you on my art practice. Instagram is cool but it can be a little brief and informal.
Instagram is cool but it can be a little brief and informal. So if you're interested, you can find me here. If not that's cool. It's also just a good practice for me to remind myself of what's happening and where I am going.
So here's the look behind the curtain that no one asked for.
Paintings I've been working on in 2023
First off the bat, I started and finished "Oh Nuts!" *pictured below*... Oh Nuts! is 18x18" watercolor on Arches paper mounted on a cradled wood panel (ready to hang in your house!). It is also the 3rd in a dessert series all of the same size and medium (Those Cookies & Frosting with a Side of Cake).
"Oh Nuts!"
behind the scenes
Next up I got busy with a fine art piece. The idea is pretty much what is pictured above- except cut off at the elbow and a different backdrop.
To get the reference photo for the painting my photographer and I had to do a practice run plus an extra hour set up before the model showed up. All that preparation meant that the shoot only took an hour.
Khalia was so flexible and good spirited about getting her arm soaking wet as we poured pitcher after pitcher of water into the cup.
I'm still working on the first paint layer for this piece. But it's coming together and I cannot wait to see it finished. (just 1-3 more layer to go)
This piece is oil paint on a primed cradled wood panel, 18x24x2"
In other news... Art Show
An artist friend really encouraged me to sign up for LOCA, which I promptly did!
LOCA is amazing because they work with artists and brick 'n mortar stores to pair art with spaces. That means- I created a free profile and then they find businesses that are interested in showing my work.
It's beneficially for everyone involved. LOCA gets a reasonable cut if something sells. The business gets art on the walls for free + a tiny cut if something sells. I get most of the profits when something sells + I don't have to search/reach out to businesses for shows. YAY! Oh and you all get to see (and buy) art in spaces that you actually visit, like coffee shops.
photos of my show that I installed at Onda Origins
So this month I got paired with my first business- Onda Origins in Seattle. They are such a cute, cozy coffee shop (with delicious ethically sourced coffee).
So if you're in the neighborhood- (5600 Rainier Ave S Seattle, WA, 98118) Stop by!
All that to say
It makes me cringe when I realize it's March YUCK. But I'm grateful for what I've accomplished and the opportunities coming my way.
I am wayy under my sales goals.
But I have a show coming up in APRIL. And I have some things in the works. I'm just so thankfully I get to make art everyday.
I appreciate your encouraging words + prayers.
Stay tuned.